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A Challenge that is Rewarding

Being a Sea Cadet is not easy.  It requires commitment and a considerable amount of work.  Each cadet needs to attend Recruit Training (RT) within their first year of membership.  To attend RT, the cadet recruit must complete the online E1 course available on the USNSCC education website Polaris.  The E1 course is a challenging but open-book assignment that is designed to help the cadet understand the basics of US Navy life and operations and takes approximately 3 hours.  Parental assistance is highly recommended in order to complete this task. Cadets are also expected to maintain a minimum standard of physical fitness and GPA.

Once the E1 course is completed and the cadet has graduated RT, they are advanced to E2, Seaman Apprentice (SA).  At this point, the SA can attend Advanced Trainings (ATs) that are held all over the United States.  Most ATs last 1-2 weeks and include all training, berthing and meals, often for less than $300.

Along with regular drill participation, cadets can advance in rank as they complete subsequent ATs and progressive coursework. Cadets can "rank-up" all the way to Chief Petty Officer (CPO). Cadets who choose to enlist after Sea Cadet participation may qualify for E3 rank and pay grade after boot camp.

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